pHsalvation.com and pH-police.com has joined Organic Food Supply Co (OFSCinc.com) as content contributors. OFSCinc.com is our first choice product suppliers. Our Mission is Possible: To Save Lives. Our Target: Cancer and finding simple and effective solutions which create permanent health. OFSCinc.com is an online store providing "Radically good food and supplements at Radically low delivered online prices." See below to subscribe and learn more about "The Root Cause of Human Health"...
Monday, May 27, 2013
Human Healthy Update #2 Mike Adams Explains OFB's Active Greens Bar

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday, September 2, 2012
Give me OH-
Ok so let’s take a molecule of water made up of: H+H+O, so 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom and see what happens when we 1) do nothing or 2) flow it over the earth in a fresh stream, take it from a deep fresh well or run it through a water ionizer (which has the same but even stronger net result):
1) If you do nothing to water (or leave ionized water in a container too long), you will get a glass or bottle of water that has found equilibrium and is rich in H+ as verified by measuring the electrical charge of the water with a voltage meter. This results in a net "positive" charge as would be expected and and represents an oxidative solution if you recall High School Chemistry. This water will fill your cells with free radicals. Thank God it is only 20% absorbed into the cellular but now you are dehydrated. Now your cells do not have a flood of water in and around them and toxicity begins to build up as your cells begin to become depleted in oxygen. And the oxygen that is present is oxidizing your cellular makeup including your DNA. So you become dehydrated, full of toxicity which inhibits enzymes, overly acid and your cells become anaerobic (oxygen depleted) as free radical damage is occuring all at once! This is cancer by definition and is also how a stagnant pond in the forest becomes in nature; full of toxcity, anaerobic virus and bacteria and disease (see photo). This is a picture of how the average American's cells become and why everyone is getting cancer and all kinds of chronic disease and ailments.
No wonder everyone is so sick especially in this country where the medical system will not even acknowledge the true cause of cancer and general disease. If they did, their entire multi trillion dollar "health care" system would come tumbling down like the 911 attack on the WTCs.
Now you better buy lots of expensive antioxidants to neutralize this oxidative solution that you drink volumes of daily and mostly are. And there is a lot of it because you are a 100 trillion cell 70% water body aquarium. Unfortunately if you are drinking this stuff, you are mostly an oxidative solution. Therefore you are an oxidative solution just waiting for cancer or any other of the 1000s of anaerobic virus or bacteria thriving in your body to develop. Does it seem unreal? It is unbelievable but unfortunately it's as true as true can bee.
Now let's look at option 2:
2) Take your water from a fresh flowing stream or artesian well or from a water ionizer right in your home and you will get a glass of water rich in oxygen and negative ions better known as antioxidant OH-. The minus - in OH-means there are millions of free electrons ready and available to neutralize all the free radicals in you cells. But there won’t be as many free radicals because you are no longer filling your cells with gallons and gallons of an oxidative solution. Now your cells, rich in OH- (and your critically important DNA) are protected from free radical damage. Ionized water also absorbs 80% into your cellular (vs. 20% all other water), creating a living stream that runs right through your (cellular) body and out and is therefore very detoxifying at the cellular level. Compare this to other water you are drinking where only 20% goes cellular thereby creating a stagnant diseased pond in each of your some 100 trillion cells and 80% goes right through your digestive tract and out. Not exactly as nature (or God) intended!
If you are drinking any water but ionized water as found in nature or from an ionizer with negative ions, your overall health and vitality will be greatly compromised. It doesn't matter how healthy you think you are (I still meet radicals who are still drinking highly acidic distilled water)!
If you have cancer please contact us anytime for more dietary information or see the far right column. We are not doctors (thank God I did not make it in premed) and became an engineer with a knowledge of physics and chemistry and have studied biological systems beginning with 1932 Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg (Biophysicist), Maxwell Gerson MD and his incredibly work along with scores of others, that know the truth of how your internal cellular environment works.
Cancer is a wrong environment in your cellular body before it becomes a disease and is easily reversible by taking in the right things and NOT taking in other wrong things like commercially grown (non organic) foods and of course this oxidative water that no one even has a clue they are drinking. The water you are drinking is a major part of this environment since you are 70% water. therefore we assign water a 70% importance factor which means everything else you are doing nutritionally is only 30% important. Time to change your water and greatly increase your protected against chronic disease and ailments and especially cancer.
For a free alkaline acid food and beverage chart or a list of the many uses of both high alkaline and acid water from the Athena water ionizer Click Here . Or if you just want to talk please call and leave a message anytime at 800-310-4153 and someone will get back to you asap.
In Good Health!
pH Salvation staff
1) If you do nothing to water (or leave ionized water in a container too long), you will get a glass or bottle of water that has found equilibrium and is rich in H+ as verified by measuring the electrical charge of the water with a voltage meter. This results in a net "positive" charge as would be expected and and represents an oxidative solution if you recall High School Chemistry. This water will fill your cells with free radicals. Thank God it is only 20% absorbed into the cellular but now you are dehydrated. Now your cells do not have a flood of water in and around them and toxicity begins to build up as your cells begin to become depleted in oxygen. And the oxygen that is present is oxidizing your cellular makeup including your DNA. So you become dehydrated, full of toxicity which inhibits enzymes, overly acid and your cells become anaerobic (oxygen depleted) as free radical damage is occuring all at once! This is cancer by definition and is also how a stagnant pond in the forest becomes in nature; full of toxcity, anaerobic virus and bacteria and disease (see photo). This is a picture of how the average American's cells become and why everyone is getting cancer and all kinds of chronic disease and ailments.
No wonder everyone is so sick especially in this country where the medical system will not even acknowledge the true cause of cancer and general disease. If they did, their entire multi trillion dollar "health care" system would come tumbling down like the 911 attack on the WTCs.
Now you better buy lots of expensive antioxidants to neutralize this oxidative solution that you drink volumes of daily and mostly are. And there is a lot of it because you are a 100 trillion cell 70% water body aquarium. Unfortunately if you are drinking this stuff, you are mostly an oxidative solution. Therefore you are an oxidative solution just waiting for cancer or any other of the 1000s of anaerobic virus or bacteria thriving in your body to develop. Does it seem unreal? It is unbelievable but unfortunately it's as true as true can bee.
Now let's look at option 2:
2) Take your water from a fresh flowing stream or artesian well or from a water ionizer right in your home and you will get a glass of water rich in oxygen and negative ions better known as antioxidant OH-. The minus - in OH-means there are millions of free electrons ready and available to neutralize all the free radicals in you cells. But there won’t be as many free radicals because you are no longer filling your cells with gallons and gallons of an oxidative solution. Now your cells, rich in OH- (and your critically important DNA) are protected from free radical damage. Ionized water also absorbs 80% into your cellular (vs. 20% all other water), creating a living stream that runs right through your (cellular) body and out and is therefore very detoxifying at the cellular level. Compare this to other water you are drinking where only 20% goes cellular thereby creating a stagnant diseased pond in each of your some 100 trillion cells and 80% goes right through your digestive tract and out. Not exactly as nature (or God) intended!
If you are drinking any water but ionized water as found in nature or from an ionizer with negative ions, your overall health and vitality will be greatly compromised. It doesn't matter how healthy you think you are (I still meet radicals who are still drinking highly acidic distilled water)!
If you have cancer please contact us anytime for more dietary information or see the far right column. We are not doctors (thank God I did not make it in premed) and became an engineer with a knowledge of physics and chemistry and have studied biological systems beginning with 1932 Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg (Biophysicist), Maxwell Gerson MD and his incredibly work along with scores of others, that know the truth of how your internal cellular environment works.
Cancer is a wrong environment in your cellular body before it becomes a disease and is easily reversible by taking in the right things and NOT taking in other wrong things like commercially grown (non organic) foods and of course this oxidative water that no one even has a clue they are drinking. The water you are drinking is a major part of this environment since you are 70% water. therefore we assign water a 70% importance factor which means everything else you are doing nutritionally is only 30% important. Time to change your water and greatly increase your protected against chronic disease and ailments and especially cancer.
For a free alkaline acid food and beverage chart or a list of the many uses of both high alkaline and acid water from the Athena water ionizer Click Here . Or if you just want to talk please call and leave a message anytime at 800-310-4153 and someone will get back to you asap.
In Good Health!
pH Salvation staff
Thursday, June 7, 2012
antioxidant vs. free radical water-which are you drinking? "the world gets rich killing people while we remain poor healing people."
Oh yes the water! I am more excited about this water than anything: ionized water is charged water as found in nature. Since fresh flowing streams are not available to drink from as they should the water has to be made in a high tech machine. So the bottom line is this; all the water we are drinking now is an oxidizing solution (net positively charged and loaded with free radical oxygen O+). Ionized water is charged to a net negative charge and possesses negatively charged ions. Sound familiar? In fact ionized water is loaded with OH- which neutralizes O+. In other words ionized water is an antioxidant! That’s right now instead of drinking a free radical oxidizing solution which is every other water available to us on the market, you can drink just the opposite as nature intended; antioxidant water. Also ionized water absorbs 80% into your cellular whereas all other water absorbs only 20%! That is why literally everyone is dehydrated, overly acidic and “anaerobic” or oxygen depleted, thus the high rate of cancer and other chronic disease and ailments. Whew! I recommend a water ionizer call the Athena and can get a great deal on them. Let me know if you would like more info and please see the cancer diet in the right column if you or someone you know has cancer…Click Here God bless from pH Salvation
Sunday, April 1, 2012
What Other Top Professionals the World Over are Saying about Alkaline Ionized Water...
Dr. Robert O. Young, PhD, World Renowned Researcher and Author of 'The pH Miracle'
"Those willing to look again, and with clear eyes, will be rewarded with the secrets to permanent health. We can heal ourselves by changing the environment inside our bodies. Potentially harmful invaders, then, will have nowhere to grow and will become harmless."
"The ph level of our internal fluids affects every cell in our bodies. Extended acid imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated.... Indeed, the entire metabolic process depends on a balanced internal alkaline environment. A chronically over-acidic pH corrodes body tissue, slowly eating into the 60,000 miles of veins and arteries like acid eating into marble. If left unchecked, it will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain. In summary, over-acidification interferes with life itself leading to all sickness and disease!"
"Sickness and disease, including the symptoms of cancer, tumors, AIDS, diabetes, MS, lupus, HIV/AIDS, depression, hyperthyroidism, Wilson's Syndrome, fibromyalgia, pain in every joint and muscle, chronic fatigue syndrome, muscle cramps, allergies (food), asthma, bronchitis, frequent colds, candida, hypoglycemia, allergic reaction to any chemical, fatigued all the time, food cravings, indigestion, inflamed joints, insomnia, mood swings, gas, bloating, diverticulitis, irritable bowel, pneumonia, ulcers, stomach and bowel cramps and even memory loss is the culmination of years of abuse of nutrition and acid build-up. The most powerful program to reduce or eliminate these effects is to remove acid from the blood and tissues with an alkaline lifestyle and wise dietary and water consumption choices."
"If someone were to ask me, what is the one thing I can do to have better health? The answer would be very simple, "Start drinking alkalized and ionized water!"
Dr. Keiichi Morishita, Researcher and Author of 'The Hidden Truth of Cancer'
"If the blood develops a more acidic condition, then these excess acidic wastes have to be deposited somewhere in the body. If this unhealthy process continues year after year, these areas steadily increase in acidity and their cells begin to die. Other cells in the affected area may survive by becoming abnormal, these are called malignant. Malignant cells cannot respond to brain commands. They undergo a cellular division that is out of control. This is the beginning of cancer."
"Modern medicine.. treats these malignant cells as if they were bacteria and viruses, it uses chemotherapy, radiation and surgery to treat cancer. Yet none of these treatments will help very much if the environment of the body continues to remain acidic."
Dr. David S Dyer, Author
"Restructured alkaline water may well be the best element or supplement you can put in your body! Did you know the Japanese have researched this subject for over forty years and have found that drinking restructured alkaline water can relieve or reduce the three main causes for sickness, disease and pre-mature aging?"
"Restructured alkaline water made using electrolysis has been consumed by the Japanese for over 40 years and has touched and changed every disease and condition imaginable. I have been using this water for over 6 years and have seen similar results when it is used persistently and consistently. The water is smooth, delicious, hydrating, energizing, permeating, pH balancing and a strong antioxidant. Does this sound like the water you should be drinking? I wish you all good health..."
Dr Sherry Rogers, Author, 'Detox or Die'
Dr. Sherry Rogers is a medical doctor in private practice for over a quarter of a century. Her specialty is finding the cause of illness and getting rid of symptoms that are undiagnosable. Sherry's written books, scientific papers, and taught advanced courses to physicians learning these techniques. She's lectured in 6 countries and over 50 US. cities, she has been interviewed on dozens of television shows, and radio programs as well as having written numerous magazine articles:
"No longer is a headache a Darvon deficiency. We now have the tools with which any symptom can be turned around, including many cancers, chemical sensitivity, allergies, and much more."
"Alkaline water rids the body of acid waste... After carefully evaluating the results of my advice to hundreds of individuals, I'm convinced that toxicity in the form of acidic waste is the primary cause of degenerative disease."
Tony Robbins, Noted Lifestyle Coach and author of 'Awaken The Giant Within'
"Alkalize your body and live a healthier, more energized, and ultimately more fulfilling life. Our acid-alkaline balance is a baseline determinant of our physical health. When you break your old eating patterns, you will find yourself getting back to the real you, filled with the vitality and energy that you desire and deserve."
Ray Kurzweil, Author, Inventor, Movie Producer, PhD, Scientist, & Technologist.
Dr. Kurzweil talks about alkaline and ionized water:
"There are more benefits to "alkaline water" than simply the alkalinity or pH. The most important feature of alkaline water produced by a water alkalizer is its oxidation reduction potential (ORP). Water with a high negative ORP is of particular value in its ability to neutralize oxygen free radicals. ORP can also be directly tested using an ORP sensor and meter. We have conducted these experiments as well. We found that water coming directly from the tap had an ORP of +290mV, while the water coming out of the water alkalizer had a negative ORP. The more negative the ORP of a substance (that is, the higher it’s negative ORP), the more likely it is to engage in chemical reactions that donate electrons. These electrons are immediately available to engage in reactions that neutralize positively charged free radicals. This is the key benefit of water produced by a water alkalizer that is not available by simply drinking water than has had some bicarb or other compounds dissolved in it to make it alkaline. Ionized Water has been written about and highly recommended in several top health books by independent, eminent authors that drink it. These include: Dr Ray Kurzweil and Dr Terry Grossman, who in their groundbreaking book 'Fantastic Voyage; 'Live Long Enough to Live Forever' state: "Consuming the right type of water is vital to detoxifying the body's acidic waste products and is one of the most powerful health treatments available. We recommended that you drink 8-10 glasses per day of this alkaline ionized water. It is one of the simplest and most powerful things that you can do to combat a wide range of disease processes. It is interesting to note that in Japan, professional sports teams drink alkaline ionized water to improve their performance."
Felicia Drury Climent, Author, 'The Acid Alkaline balance Diet,' Adjunct Professor, City College, New York
"After years of very positive continuous clinical experiment that I am conducting with hundreds of clients using electronically restructured (ionized) alkaline water, it is my opinion that this technology will change the way in which all health providers and the public will approach their health in the coming years. ...My suggestion is to drink restructured alkaline water whenever possible."
Dr Hidemitsu Hayashi, Director of the Water Institute, Tokyo
"Bad diets such as meat and potatoes, fried foods, soft drink colas, and sugars build up acid salts in the body. Often these deposits, by having to be stored away from the blood flow, can remain in the body for decades. I recommend the consumption of ionized alkaline water, which will slowly and gently wash these salts away."
Sang Whang, Author, 'Reverse Aging'
"Here is the simple process of aging. Every living cell within our body creates waste products. The nutrients from our food are delivered to each cell and they burn with oxygen to provide energy for us to live. The burned nutrients are the waste products. The food that is either good or bad for you is determined by the amount and quality of the wastes produced; toxic, acid, alkaline, etc. Most of our cells go through metabolism and old dead cells become waste products. These waste products must be discharged from our body. In fact, our body tries its best to dispose of them through urine and perspiration. Virtually all waste products are acidic; that is why urine is acidic and the skin surface is also acidic. The problem is that, due to several reasons, our body cannot get rid of 100% of the waste products it produces. The main reason for this is our lifestyle. We, therefore, spend more time producing waste products than processing them."
Dr. Susan Lark, M.D., University lecturer and author of 'The Chemistry Of Success'
"Peak performance and optimal health depend on the body's ability to maintain a slightly alkaline state in virtually all of our cells and tissues... Drinking four to six glasses of alkaline ionized water a day will help to neutralize over acidity and over time will help to restore your buffering ability. Alkaline ionized water should be used when conditions of over acidity develop, such as cold, flu or bronchitis. Like vitamins C, E and Beta Carotene, alkaline ionized water acts as an antioxidant because of its excess supply of free electrons. This can help the body against the development of heart disease, strokes, immune dysfunctions, and other common ailments."
Dr. Robert Atkins, Noted author, health and diet expert
"The cells and fluids in most people's bodies...are overly acidic. This can cause a lot of health problems. It prevents your body from neutralizing and disposing of harmful, poisonous toxins and leaves you more susceptible to the cell-damaging free radical oxidation that leads to cancer and other diseases." Drinking alkaline ionized water is the solution.
David Niven Miller, Anti-aging expert and author of 'Grow Youthful'
"Increasing your consumption of good quality tap water or filtered water can transform your health and play a central role in the healing of virtually all degenerative diseases. However, alkaline ionized water has profound long-term effects because it alkalizes your body and provides an
effective antioxidant."
Ed McCabe, who has done so much to promote oxygen therapies, says:
"Deprive a cell 60% of its oxygen and it will turn cancerous."
Harald Tietze, Author of 'Youthing'
"By drinking alkaline ionized water, the aging process can be reversed and the wastes can be reduced in the long-term to a level of a much younger person. The functions of the organs can be revived."
URGENT: educate yOur children, restore yOur nation's health. Come out of the darkness. pHSalvation.
Got Cancer? Listen to the radio interview below. We have good news for you! We want to restore your hope if you have cancer and provide an immediate plan of action that will help get you on the road to permanent health. First homework assignment; watch "The Gerson Miracle" on DVD or Netflix.com. Watch it with the kids or someone with cancer. Call 800-310-4153, leave a message and someone will call you back if you have any questions or just want to talk.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Click Here to Listen to an Interview with Dr. Gwyenth
First things first; here are the powerful dietary tools needed if you have cancer or want to prevent it; pH strips (see photo and begin checking your urine pH asap), a source of alkaline ionized water if possible, and this website. To receive the free alkaline acid food and beverage chart, the Cancer Cleanse eBook (same info found herein, far right column) or if you have any questions or would like to schedule a free conference call for yourself or group please Click Here . The weekly scheduled national call is Saturdays at 1 PM PST (4 PM EST), call 530-881-1400 enter PIN: 38330# (long distance charges may apply).
Disclaimer: Please note that we are not licensed medical or health care practitioners. We give powerful dietary advice which has been used for years to help prevent and reverse cancer and many other chronic disease and ailments. If you are currently under a doctor's care, we are required to ask you to review any new dietary measures with him/her, however do not be surprised if he/she rejects the information found herein and calls it "quackery," but please ask him to Google the works of 1931 Nobel prize winner Otto Warburg and show him the medical studies below if possible.
Here are a couple responses we wanted to share. If we had more doctors like this, cancer would be rare in America as it is even in third world countries (think hard about that). Please see also medical studies (way) below:
"Dr. Otto Warburg received the Nobel Peace Prize by discovering the
root cause of cancer. Every single person who has cancer has a pH that is
too acidic. At a pH slightly above 7.4 cancer cells become dormant and at pH 8.5 cancer cells will die while healthy cells will live."
Vic Herlacher, M.D.
"Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in plants and animals is dethroned in cancer cells and replaced by an energy yielding reaction of the lowest living forms, namely, a fermentation of glucose."
Otto Heinrick Warburg, 1931 Nobel Prize Winner, German Bio Physisist, Chemist.
Ask your cancer doctor or any medical doctor if he has even heard of this gifted researcher who the early 1900s emerging mainstream medical "researchers" swept under the carpet to create the most deadly organized system of terriorism the world has ever seen with it's big pharma and cut, burn and poison cancer "treatment" protocols. Don't get us wrong, our medical system is among the best at saving lives in emergencies and radical medical issues. But not cancer. Hopefully in the not too distant future the world will look back on this now most profitable industry in the world and realize that it was a holocaust unlike the world has ever seen and hold it's creators accountable. Please watch the movie "Food Matters" on DVD or netflix.com. Make it a required family homework assignment.
Disclaimer: Please note that we are not licensed medical or health care practitioners. We give powerful dietary advice which has been used for years to help prevent and reverse cancer and many other chronic disease and ailments. If you are currently under a doctor's care, we are required to ask you to review any new dietary measures with him/her, however do not be surprised if he/she rejects the information found herein and calls it "quackery," but please ask him to Google the works of 1931 Nobel prize winner Otto Warburg and show him the medical studies below if possible.
Here are a couple responses we wanted to share. If we had more doctors like this, cancer would be rare in America as it is even in third world countries (think hard about that). Please see also medical studies (way) below:
"Dr. Otto Warburg received the Nobel Peace Prize by discovering the
root cause of cancer. Every single person who has cancer has a pH that is
too acidic. At a pH slightly above 7.4 cancer cells become dormant and at pH 8.5 cancer cells will die while healthy cells will live."
Vic Herlacher, M.D.
"Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in plants and animals is dethroned in cancer cells and replaced by an energy yielding reaction of the lowest living forms, namely, a fermentation of glucose."
Otto Heinrick Warburg, 1931 Nobel Prize Winner, German Bio Physisist, Chemist.
Ask your cancer doctor or any medical doctor if he has even heard of this gifted researcher who the early 1900s emerging mainstream medical "researchers" swept under the carpet to create the most deadly organized system of terriorism the world has ever seen with it's big pharma and cut, burn and poison cancer "treatment" protocols. Don't get us wrong, our medical system is among the best at saving lives in emergencies and radical medical issues. But not cancer. Hopefully in the not too distant future the world will look back on this now most profitable industry in the world and realize that it was a holocaust unlike the world has ever seen and hold it's creators accountable. Please watch the movie "Food Matters" on DVD or netflix.com. Make it a required family homework assignment.
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