We have joined
OrganicFoodSupplyCompany.com (
OFSCinc.com) with content and look forward to the new online store launch where you will be able to purchase "radically good food and supplements at a radically low delivered online price." Here is a copy of "Human Healthy update #1." To subscribe and get these updates and great online organic deals in the future subscribe at
Please pass this on to anyone you may know who is struggling with health issues, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter as we strive to gain subscribers by reaching out to a sick world and fulfill our mission which is dedicated to helping to saving human life). Here's the update:
"Thank you again for subscribing to Organic Food Supply Company and this first "human healthy" update. Soon you will be able to order some of the finest premium organic food and whole food based supplements for the lowest prices on the planet.
We are emerging after 15 years of training, research and following the "experts" in the field of human health. Well some are experts but unfortunately very few paid attention to Otto Warburg, 1932 Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Maxwell Gerson (and his wonderful daughter Charlotte of the world renowned Gerson Clinics), Dr. Robert Young, the pH Miracle, Dr. Johanna Budwig, and many other real doctors who have discovered the root cause of human health.
We at pH Salvation/Organic Food Supply with the help of dedicated and non compromising formulators and manufacturers like Organic Food Bar Inc (the food and supplement source 30% important), Emco Tech (ionized pH water, 70% important) and a very few others, have taken the root cause of human health to an extreme by reducing it to very simple food and water diet that tracks with cellular pH.
The result is a simple test, a simple food and water diet and simple daily activities that will provide you with permanent health. We know it works because we don't get sick anymore.
The first step in achieving permanent health is to check your urine pH. We will sell pH test kits online when the store launches but in the meantime please buy them at your health food store. Then use the pH chart that you received when you subscribed to balance out your pH as needed. You will want to greatly reduce or eliminate sugar, dairy and other aggravators of cancer and other chronic disease and ailments as these things are always acid and work as "gasoline on the cancer fire."
We were hoping to launch the online store this month but it may be delayed. However we are committed to keeping our word to provide the lowest prices for selected premium organic and raw products. So we will take your order over the phone while the website store is being completed.
So if you currently use the Organic Food Bar "Active Greens" or "Protein," or want to take our word for it being the healthiest Organic and Raw piece of food in a wrapper on the planet, here are more details. The bars are 300-330 calories each (try as a crumb free breakfast or lunch) with alkalizing for pH balance organic green food (OFB Active Greens bar is suggested for breakfast), and 22 grams of organic whole food protein (OFB Protein bar is suggested for lunch).
Here are the radical prices that we were talking about online: $1.99 per bar ($2.99 normal retail) delivered to 48 States, 4 box minimum order (lesser amounts require some shipping cost). The bars have a one year shelf and are nitrogen purged for extended freshness.
Please call us and leave a voice message at the toll free number below and someone will get back to answer any questions you may have or take your order, and please pass this on to anyone you may know who is struggling with health issues.
Please contact us anytime as needed!
OFSC Staff
Coming Soon! Radically Good Food & Supplements at Radically Low Delivered Online Prices.
www.OrganicFoodSupplyCompany.com subscribe at