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Thursday, June 7, 2012
antioxidant vs. free radical water-which are you drinking? "the world gets rich killing people while we remain poor healing people."
Oh yes the water! I am more excited about this water than anything: ionized water is charged water as found in nature. Since fresh flowing streams are not available to drink from as they should the water has to be made in a high tech machine. So the bottom line is this; all the water we are drinking now is an oxidizing solution (net positively charged and loaded with free radical oxygen O+). Ionized water is charged to a net negative charge and possesses negatively charged ions. Sound familiar? In fact ionized water is loaded with OH- which neutralizes O+. In other words ionized water is an antioxidant! That’s right now instead of drinking a free radical oxidizing solution which is every other water available to us on the market, you can drink just the opposite as nature intended; antioxidant water. Also ionized water absorbs 80% into your cellular whereas all other water absorbs only 20%! That is why literally everyone is dehydrated, overly acidic and “anaerobic” or oxygen depleted, thus the high rate of cancer and other chronic disease and ailments. Whew! I recommend a water ionizer call the Athena and can get a great deal on them. Let me know if you would like more info and please see the cancer diet in the right column if you or someone you know has cancer…Click Here God bless from pH Salvation