Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Click Here to Listen to an Interview with Dr. Gwyenth

First things first; here are the powerful dietary tools needed if you have cancer or want to prevent it; pH strips (see photo and begin checking your urine pH asap), a source of alkaline ionized water if possible, and this website. To receive the free alkaline acid food and beverage chart, the Cancer Cleanse eBook (same info found herein, far right column) or if you have any questions or would like to schedule a free conference call for yourself or group please Click Here . The weekly scheduled national call is Saturdays at 1 PM PST (4 PM EST), call 530-881-1400 enter PIN: 38330# (long distance charges may apply).

Disclaimer: Please note that we are not licensed medical or health care practitioners. We give powerful dietary advice which has been used for years to help prevent and reverse cancer and many other chronic disease and ailments. If you are currently under a doctor's care, we are required to ask you to review any new dietary measures with him/her, however do not be surprised if he/she rejects the information found herein and calls it "quackery," but please ask him to Google the works of 1931 Nobel prize winner Otto Warburg and show him the medical studies below if possible.

Here are a couple responses we wanted to share. If we had more doctors like this, cancer would be rare in America as it is even in third world countries (think hard about that). Please see also medical studies (way) below:

"Dr. Otto Warburg received the Nobel Peace Prize by discovering the
root cause of cancer. Every single person who has cancer has a pH that is
too acidic. At a pH slightly above 7.4 cancer cells become dormant and at pH 8.5 cancer cells will die while healthy cells will live."
Vic Herlacher, M.D.

"Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in plants and animals is dethroned in cancer cells and replaced by an energy yielding reaction of the lowest living forms, namely, a fermentation of glucose."
Otto Heinrick Warburg, 1931 Nobel Prize Winner, German Bio Physisist, Chemist.

Ask your cancer doctor or any medical doctor if he has even heard of this gifted researcher who the early 1900s emerging mainstream medical "researchers" swept under the carpet to create the most deadly organized system of terriorism the world has ever seen with it's big pharma and cut, burn and poison cancer "treatment" protocols. Don't get us wrong, our medical system is among the best at saving lives in emergencies and radical medical issues. But not cancer. Hopefully in the not too distant future the world will look back on this now most profitable industry in the world and realize that it was a holocaust unlike the world has ever seen and hold it's creators accountable. Please watch the movie "Food Matters" on DVD or netflix.com. Make it a required family homework assignment.