pHsalvation.com and pH-police.com has joined Organic Food Supply Co (OFSCinc.com) as content contributors. OFSCinc.com is our first choice product suppliers. Our Mission is Possible: To Save Lives. Our Target: Cancer and finding simple and effective solutions which create permanent health. OFSCinc.com is an online store providing "Radically good food and supplements at Radically low delivered online prices." See below to subscribe and learn more about "The Root Cause of Human Health"...
Friday, January 13, 2012
the shocking truth about water...protect your Nation
We seem to live through eating depleted commercially grown food that is laced with herbicides and pesticides, and stripped of vital nutrients like trace minerals, probiotics and enzymes pretty well, don't we? We seem to survive the drinking water, all of which is an oxidizing solution and is overly purified by Reverse Osmosis treatment to the point where minerals are taken out and the water is rendered highly acidic and is actually an oxidative solution. Or just good filtered spring or tap water that still has minerals and is pH balanced, but still possesses a net positive charge making it almost as oxidative as RO water. It's the very thing we take antioxidants to protect our bodies from.
Now think for a moment. What if your water could, it's self, be an antioxidant (reducing) solution rather than an oxidative solution? What if it were able to superhydrate and detoxify the 100 trillion or so cells in your 70% water body aquarium as it was delivering more "non-reactive" oxygen then anything possible and lighting up each cell such that the darkness of cancer and all forms of anaerobic virus and bacteria simply could not exist in them? Did you know that this healing water does exist in nature and it is how your drinking water must be. Let's just call it organic water although it's referred to as alkaline ionized water. Please read on...
We seem to live through the mainstream and commercially grown and processed food and water pretty well. Don't we? Or do we?
Our government and healthcare industry doesn’t seem to recognize or care that millions of US citizens are nutritionally deficient, chronically dehydrated and overly acidic to the point of having to visit the doctor often enough to receive antibiotics. And each time, their immune system drops down another notch until they are captured in a downward spiraling immune deficiency syndrome that keeps them sick and going back for more. They don’t seem to care that the water, it's self, is an oxidizing solution and is actually so dehydrating because the clusters of water molecules just don't fit into our cellular, that millions of people are getting cancers and other cellular environmental chronic diseases and ailments like never before. And it’s not even considered as a root cause…
No one else seems to be protecting our Nation. So we as people with loved ones are faced with the only other "solution," which is to protect your own Nation and your "Nation" is you and the ones you care about. Don’t rely on any government or healthcare system to do this for you. Don’t rely on the commercially grown food supply to maintain your immune system. This year in 2012, take control of your Nation's health like never before. Please read on to discover how...
You are 70% water and the water you are drinking carries a 70% importance factor in controlling disease in your Nation. There is only a 30% importance factor with the food and everything else you are doing to protect your Nation from chronic disease and ailments such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease, just to name a few.
We are here to assist in providing the right water and daily full spectrum of nutrients needed to build your immune system strong. And strong it must be to survive in 2012 and beyond.
The first step in reversing a deadly process that may already be taking place in your body and your Nation is to send for a free alkaline/acid food chart and pH test. email aarondodson@live.com
Alive and well in 2012!
God's richest blessings
pH Salvation Staff
If you or someone in your Nation has received bad news lately, Aaron is available for free consultation by calling 800-310-4153. Leave a voice message with your email and return phone number and he will return your call and send you all the free information available.
Please note; Aaron is not a medical doctor, thank God he could not hack premed in the 70s. But with a physician's heart, he became an engineer and eventually went on to be trained by professionals in the Naturopathic, Homeopathic and Nutritional industry and understands the critical need for pH balance, right water and organic whole food nutrition to maintain a proper cellular environment for permanent health.