pHsalvation.com and pH-police.com has joined Organic Food Supply Co (OFSCinc.com) as content contributors. OFSCinc.com is our first choice product suppliers. Our Mission is Possible: To Save Lives. Our Target: Cancer and finding simple and effective solutions which create permanent health. OFSCinc.com is an online store providing "Radically good food and supplements at Radically low delivered online prices." See below to subscribe and learn more about "The Root Cause of Human Health"...
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Cancer Fast Alkaline Diet Day 2 We Went To The Movies!
The movie popcorn replacement system is organic baby spinach sprinkled with Himalayan salt crystals. Yummy! $2 at Traders vs. $6 small popcorn at the rip off movie!
Tip; when you stop sugar you may tend towards salty things so watch your salt intake. Use raw sea salt (should be a color not pure white which is heat processed) or best to use Himalayan salt crystals (get at TJs or other in a ready to use grinder bottle).
If you want to join us for a seven day fun and easy cancer fast or just try it one day at a time, reply and we will send the diet, tips and procedure. Even if you don't have cancer it’s good to practice just in case or do it for someone with cancer to encourage them. Please check with your Physician if you are currently under the care of one or on drugs before starting any diet.
This cancer cleanse diet is all about taking in everything with no sugar and with an alkaline level at green or higher (ask for the alkaline acid food chart; email aarondodson@live.com, subject: food chart). The exceptions are organic carrots and fresh organic carrot juice and maybe one raw organic food bar per day if you can maintain urine pH of 7-8 by (bright green to blue on urine pH test strip-get at your health food store) drinking extra alkaline ionized water (see info at www.pHsalvation.com). You can also have organic green tea and Yerba Mate too! Try a bag each together with a sprinkle of Cayenne pepper (all from Trader Joes or other HF store).
Otherwise please pass this on to someone you may know who may need it and contact us anytime.
In Good Health!
pH Salvation Staff
Qs? 800-310-4153