Sunday, May 17, 2009

FLU!!! Powerful things you can do if you got it, and how to help protect your family from it!

A balanced pH is #1!! (See The pH Salvation Diet above right column). Eat extra fresh raw organic vegetables and alkaline ionized water fresh from the machine while it is still bubbly.
2. Stop drinking carbonated drinks and water and purified waters such as reverse osmosis and distilled. That's right, unfortunately those beverages are highly acidic and FLU type anaerobic bacteria and virus thrives in an acidic, oxygen delpeted environment.
3. At the first sign of a flu, put a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into each ear, one ear at a time. Keep the solution in for 10 minutes or until the bubbling stops.
4. Colloidal silver spray in mouth/throat daily as needed or to help prevent.
5. Elderberry tincture according to dose to help treat and prevent.
6. Vitamin C, with bioflavonoids, 1,000 mg every few hours 5000 mg throughout the day, up to bowel tolerance
7. Zinc lozenges, with 3 mg copper, every few hours, up to 70 mg daily during a cold or flu and 30 mg daily to help preventive.
8. Garlic, 2 capsules three times daily or fresh pound it and down it!
9. Vitamin A, 25,000 IU or as Beta Carotene daily (avoid during pregnancy). Try organic spiralina.