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Saturday, March 20, 2010
Ionized water for 30 cents a gallon or less (ask for water cost analysis) CLICK HERE to purchase Athena for no down and $100/mo plus $200 cash rebate
There are no sales tax, free shipping, lifetime warranty and you will receive a $200 cash rebate. You will be able to make the healthiest water on the planet for you and your family for about 30 cents per gallon for life! (Request the water investment savings analysis pdf).
By the way, this is our hero Dr. Robert O. Young, PhD and author of “The pH Miracle.” He said: “Those willing to look again, and with clear eyes, will be rewarded with secrets to permanent health. We can heal ourselves by changing the environment inside our bodies. Potentially harmful invaders, then, will have nowhere to grow and will become harmless.”
If you aren’t ready yet please review the content of this site including the independent comparison test video (click on the Athena image, right column) and the medical study below. Contact us anytime as needed. To receive the $100 rebate and request the free pH strips, Click Here after you order the Athena and send us your order number, name, mailing address and phone number or call and leave your info or any questions at 800-310-4153.
Or if you just want the alkaline acid food chart for now Click Here and type food chart in the subject box and I will send you back the pdf attachment.
Welcome to the emerging age of self care. We believe the new Obama health care system is actually a blessing in disguise and we will be healthier for it (less time in the doctor's office-YES!). That is, those who learn the simple, well kept secrets of how to maintain perfect (permanent) health.
Not to tute my own horn, but I haven’t been to the doctor in 10 years except broken bones,and that’s what doctors are for! However, prior to beginning my self care pH balance awarness program over 10 years ago, I caught every bug going around and even ended up in ICU with a very rare auto immune deficiency disease that mimics multiple sclerosis. I slowly recovered from that and my hospital bill was over $100,000.
Then I watched my father be slowly killed by a world renowned, “Newport Beach” cancer specialist. They took $350,000 from my dad and I watched him slowly die. It took 1 year and he suffered every moment until that final shot of morphine one fine day and the angels took him to paradise. If I only knew then what I know now. You have heard it said that knowledge is power, but I tell you knowledge of the truth is life, and life in abundance.
Today I could even eat bugs (but no thanks!), knowing I won’t get sick. The secret is a balanced cellular pH and drinking lots of alkaline ionzed water. This is the #1 most important way to keep you out of the doctor’s office. You are 70% water. You are a trillion cell water body aquarium and the water you are currently drinking is not healthy unless it possesses a negative charge (Oxygen Reduction Potential, ORP of -200 to -800 mv, pH 9-10). If you are not convinced yet please review the content of this blog. It holds invaluable information from years of researching The Truth In Health.
More about the simplicity of water as nature intended:
never mind all those fancy terms and numbers. Here's the simple truth of water prepared for us by nature.
1. Water evaporates>this is earth’s purification process but don’t drink the rain yet it isn’t ready!
2. Water flows over the earth>picks up minerals and naturally ionizes (slight negative charge -)
3. Now water is ready to drink from a fresh spring at pH 8.5-10
Now water is mineralized and charged which means the water molecules are small enough to fit in your cellular body.
4. If first time drinking it, the flood gates are opened into the cellular
Hydration like never before pushing out toxins and bringing in fresh non-reactive oxygen and free electrons (billions of antioxidants) quenching free radical oxygen in every cell in your body.
5. Now your cellular body lights up with fresh non reactive oxygen, pH balanced and free of toxins. Cancer darkness cannot exist in this environment.
The wrong water is every other water we drink in today’s society including distilled and reverse osmosis water (bath in it but don’t drink it!) and even filtered tap water has a positive charge + and very low acid pH 4-6.5. Even fresh spring water or water made in your ionizer does not keep the charge for more than 1 day. You can't bottle it you must get it fresh from a source. These water molecules cling together as a tennis ball and cannot fit into the cellular as trying to throw a tennis ball through a chain link fence. 80% goes through the digestive tract and never absorbed. Only 20% absorbed into the cellular. Your cells are now acid, dehydrated and starved of oxygen. This is where cancer thrives.